Goddess Tea Talk

G o d d e s s T e a T a l k

All You Need  is Love & a Cup of Tea...

Short entries & articles dedicated to your

divinity, wisdom, inner strength, love and growth.

August 21, 2023
You can practice shower meditation as an evening or morning routine. Consider the following tips for a mindful shower 1. Create a relaxing environment. Turn off your phone, perhaps dim the lights, and light candles to create a calm atmosphere. You can also add drops of essential oils to a diffuser. 2. Set an intention. Begin your shower meditation with an intention. Your intentions might be to wash away the stress of the day, relax under the water, or achieve mental clarity. 3. Concentrate on your breathing. Breath work is an essential component of meditation. As you shower under the warm water, take deep breaths. Inhale the shower steam and think about the breath cleansing your mind and easing your nerves. 4. Offer gratitude. Practicing gratitude is a key component of meditative practice. While meditating in the shower, offer gratitude to the water and the soap for cleaning your body. 5. Engage all of your senses. Focus on your senses and perform a full bodyscan. Feel the water running down your skin, notice how the room smells (a scented shower gel or essential oils can help with this), and listen to the sound of the water.
July 23, 2023
The season of Summer should reminds us to welcome the full bloom of our lives. Its a time to be carefree & playful with longer days and dark warm nights. Dance with the sun! Greet the beach! Embrace your inner child vibe! Happy Summer :-)
By Goddess X Goddess April 4, 2023
April Showers Bring May Flowers ! As we spring foward in the year, may we remember that life always seeks to come back to balance and a state of equilibrium. Rainy days will come with the promise of rainbows or flowers and death always comes with the promise of new life. Cheers to New Beginings, Beautiful Skin & a Joyous Spring !
By Goddess X Goddess December 1, 2022
May the chilly month of December bring glad tiddings of peace, warmth, comfort and prosperity to you and your loved ones !
By Goddess X Goddess September 22, 2022
As the days become shorter... and the nights longer...and the moon brightens... and the stars become more visible, we welcome the season of Autumn. The Autumn Equinox (September Equinox) in the Northern Hemisphere is the moment when the Sun passes from the Northern Hemisphere of the celestial sphere to the southern one. In the Southern Hemisphere, on the contrary, the March Equinox is considered Autumn, and the September Equinox is considered Spring. On the day of the Equinox, the Sun, as viewed from the equator, rises strictly to the east and sets in the west--day and night are just about equal. Not just in nature is Autumn welcomed and heralded, but also all around the world do we see humanity hosting gatherings, festivals and celebrations during this season. We are also gently reminded of the beauty and purpose of change in our lives. Oftentimes, we are asked to let go of things that no longer serve us, allowing our focus to move from the tangible to the intangible treasures in life. May we all be greeted with many blessings of healing, gratitude and abundance during Autumn's visit with us!
By Goddess X Goddess September 17, 2022
Fragrance is a powerful tool that can offer us so much help and healing along our journey ! A few drops can invoke powerful feelings helping us move through our day. Thus Fragrance has the power to change our mood and evoke emotions due to its ability to influence our brain. Fragrance can enhance feelings of well-being by triggering the body to relax, to feel less stressed, even to elevate the spirits. Some days we may need to be fierce warriors and others we maybe we need to be as cool as a cucumber. Certain scents can also mentally transport us to another place while the whiff of something familiar can bring back a flood of memories. Fragrance can also help us to unlock pictures from the past, unleashing recollections of times gone by. Whatever the demand, memory or need, we can always move through the seasons of our lives more easily with love & scent variety !
By sites September 6, 2022
G oddess arche types are a part of the inner patterns of a woman's psyche. They represent the instinct, interest, aspiration, personality traits and behavioral patterns within us. We find goddesses in ancient mythologies, yet many of their images are still vividly embedded in today's modern society. For instance, the image of Aphrodite is often associated with love and beauty, while Athena is linked to wisdom and craft. Their symbols transcend time and we draw ancient wisdom from their stories applying them with modern feminine psychological perspectives. Regardless of race, color or creed, Every woman has goddess archetypes! When we suppress our archetypes (one's true self), we experience inner conflicts that can create roadblocks in developing and expressing our deepest potentials, which in turn limits our personal growth. Health challenges are likely to appear as well. By becoming aware of our goddess archetypes and inner psyche, we develop a better understanding of who we are and what we want to become. We are able to tap into our "goddess-given" talents more easily, and show up in the world authentically and unapologetically.
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